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Jeff Mills - Metropolis

Jeff Mills - Metropolis
Jeffova maličkost s našláplým setem.Enjoy


  • 1 Entrance To Metropolis (3:18)
  • 2 Perfecture: Somewhere Around Now (5:54)
  • 3 They Who Lay Beneath (3:15)
  • 4 Convicted To Paradise / Maria (Bridgette Helm) (4:45)
  • 5 The Keeping Of The Kept (5:07)
  • 6 Landscape (Utopian Dream) (3:28)
  • 7 Blue Print (4:06)
  • 8 Transformation A (4:19)
  • 9 Transformation B (Rotwang's Revenge) (3:09)
  • 10 Robot Replica (4:57)
  • 11 Revolt (5:07)
  • 12 Flood (5:12)
  • 13 The Storm Among Us (2:29)
  • 14 Silence (1:25)
  • 15 New Beginning (3:13)

Partnerské linky: festivaly 2016